Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ten Questions with Kinderblock Executive Producer Steven Moscovic:

1. How did you come across this story?
In 2009 my father was giving testimony to a panel on Holocaust. My father told our guide he was in Block 66. They knew where it was but not many details, so my father began to talk. I knew he was in Buchenwald, but never about all the children. I was fascinated and thought it would make a great film.

2. How did you find these 4 survivors?
We began working with Professor Ken Waltzer, Head of Jewish Studies at Michigan State University, to research children arriving at Buchenwald. Ken is the foremost expert on this subject and is currently writing a book about it. Ken put together a list of about 10 or 12 whom he thought would be willing to talk to us on camera. We began to contact the people on the list and within a month we knew who we wanted to work with.

3. Are these 4 men typical Holocaust survivors?Many aren’t willing to talk about their experiences, but some will until later in life, often only after they’d had grandchildren. Many of them feel an obligation to tell the world or at least their families about what happened during the war. Even with these four men, who had created successful lives for themselves, this is not always the case. Many were never able to overcome the emotional scars of the Holocaust.

4. How did you find Maria Mucke, the singer who performed at Buchenwald during the war?Martin Pohl, originally from Mainz Germany explains how his brother, Conrad, was helping with some research for the film in German. He learned of Frau Mucke and she agreed to be interviewed. We ask audiences what they think of her. Most responses are negative. Reminding them that she was just a young girl, maybe 20 or 21 years of age, she should not bear blame for what happened. Her comments really shed light on how Germans citizens felt. I’m sure much of it was anti-Semitic, but also due to Nazi propaganda. She was genuinely shocked when we explained how there were children in the camp living in the same conditions as the men.

5. How did you come up with the idea of giving Flip Cameras to the survivors?
That was Director Rob Cohen’s idea. From the beginning we all said that we want to differentiate this film from other “Holocaust” films, and one way to do that was how we tell the story. It was very interesting how men opened up with more intimate details when they were alone than during the interviews with three or four crew members in the room.

6. How did Alex end up in America after the war?
Basically he returned to his hometown after liberation to see if anyone else from his family had survived. No one did. Two uncles had emigrated to the U.S. before the war. One was an American soldier in Vienna. When they found out Alex was orphaned, they arranged passage for him on a ship leaving from Poland. But when he arrived, the ship was booked and wouldn’t be ready to sail for months. He ended up stowing away on a freighter bound for New York harbor.

7.Did these 4 men know each other when they were boys in block 66?
They did not. Naftali met Pavel at the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald which took place in 2005. Naftali and Israel Lazar met in Israel in 2010 when they were all in Weimar for the 65th anniversary.

8. Why did it take so long, and why was it so difficult for Yad Vashem to bestow the honor of Righteous Among The Nations upon Antonin Kalina?
Yad Vashem is very thorough in its investigations. For an investigation to take place, Yad Vashem needs to open a file, which is only done after someone presents a case to them. For Kalina, this happened when Ken Waltzer presented the case in 2011. It was a lot of work on Ken’s part to provide evidence and testimonies from survivors, but once Yad Vashem began the investigation it only really took about a year. Most of the people who have been named Righteous saved a family or a child or a few children. There are some cases where many more lives were saved, such as Oskar Schindler. But what makes this case unique is that there were over 900 lives saved, and that they were saved within a concentration camp.
We are very proud of the fact that our film was the impetus for Antonin Kalina being named Righteous Among The Nations.

9. What was it like filming in a concentration camp?Making this film was a very emotional experience. It was made even more so since I was at Buchenwald filming with both my father and my oldest son. I think it is an experience they will never forget and it certainly gives them a more personal and intimate insight to this time in history.

10. What’s the most important thing you learned about in the process of making this film?The importance of recording the stories of as many survivors as possible before they are all gone. And maybe even more important is our duty to keep their stories alive so that we can educate future generations and prevent this horrible event in history from ever happening again.

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